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Meet The Artist: Adriana Jay

If the only thing we have to fear is fear itself, Adriana Jaramillo, @artistadrianajay, is fearless. An Ecuadorian artist who's primary medium is painting, she has a huge fear of flying yet her art features women traveling the world, usually to places Adriana has been herself.

Adriana and I met several years ago through a woman's travel group. I posted in the group about an event I was hosting, and this amazing woman full of light showed up with her husband who is also an artist. We bonded over our work with youth, collaborated on projects together, and supported each other through the years, keeping in touch and meeting for cafecitos when our schedules permitted. ,

When we first met her she was painting under the name The Traveling Paintbrush, as she began to establish her brand, she realized that "if my art was going to tell the story of women travelers, I needed to honor my own story and my own journey". By Adriana stepping out as herself, she was letting the world know that her story mattered too. At the start of 2019, she changed her brand to be Artist Adriana Jay. She admits she was pretty scared, but she was also at a place where she was "passionate enough about something to claim ownership."

Adrianas story echoes the experience of many female entrepreneurs, artists and adventure-seekers everywhere:. I myself know the struggles. It is not an easy journey to embark on, and it can be very scary. The J in the name has multiple meanings. J like Jaramillo, her last name, but also jay like the bird. Which to her means "freedom, flying high and living in the wind."

"Getting lost in the magic of the moment."

That sense of freedom can be seen in her paintings. Adriana wants people to feel "like they're in the painting themselves." "If I can get people to feel inspired, empowered, and swept away by a desire to live bravely and adventurously, then I've succeeded as an artist." she says.

As the Zen Zone goes into March being our closing month exhibiting Adrianas artwork I'm so thankful for the beautiful pieces I've gotten to enjoy and share with others in the space. If you haven't had a chance to stop by to see her work, please join us for our our Closing Reception! Adriana will be around mingling, we'll have snacks and live music to enjoy.


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